Toscana Bio

Indicazione Geografica Tipica

Region: Tuscany

Territory: Hills and plateaus of Arezzo area

Grape Harvest: With careful selection of perfectly ripe grapes.

Grapes: Sangiovese 60% and other Tuscan grapes allowed by rules.

Vinification: Traditional, with maceration of the crushed grapes - Metodo Ganimede - strict control of fermentation temperature.

Alchool % volume: 13

Visual: Clear, bright, lively ruby red color.

Smell: Vinous, fresh with hints of small red fruits.

Taste: Sapid, slightly tannic, harmonic with good structure.

Best with: Suitable for all courses: Tuscan appetizers, first courses, meat roasts and grills.

Recommended temperature: 18 - 20 °C

BottleBottle: 750 ml | 7 x 29,5 cm | 1,2 kg

BoxBox: 6 bottles | 23 x 15,5 x 30 cm | 7,25 kg

PalletPallet: 80 x 120 cm | 150 cm

This wine is a part of the millenary winemaking tradition of our region; it is produced with the grapes of our members who have converted their vineyards to the organic care.

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