September in Australia: a great restart for the autumn with an event in Sydney.

Our winery on September 5th will be at an event in Australia in Sidney with its own wines Tuskanone 2017 and Chianti Docg 2020. The aim is to strengthen the presence of the winery in this great country and to find new business contacts.


We are talking about the business event "New Wines of France and the EU & Wine Showcase Australian Champions 2022".


Admission is reserved only for professional operators in the wine sector, with MANDATORY booking and registration via this link:


The wine tasting location will be:

Royal Automobile Club of Australia

89 Macquarie Street

Sydney, NSW 2000



Don't forget the Club dress standards that apply - details on

Dress Standards apply: See

Date/Time:  MON 5 SEPT 2022 11.00-17.00hrs

#winesofadelaide #wineshowcase




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