China free ride over

The 2013 will be remembered like the middle year between the rampant China in the early 2000s and the reflective China ahead of us over the coming decades? Maybe is early to say it, but there is an important fact: the importation for the first time in thirteen years have stopped, rather have come back. If this thing doesn't worry for the volume, because the high loss is done in bulk wine (-30%), on the value otherwise some consideration should be made. The total have stopped the run at 1,6 thousand milion dollar, that is the 2% less in 2012. Th bulk wine do -25%, but we have a values really meager, while that which raises some concern is the bottle, practically nailed on the values of the past year: € 1.4 billion, up 0.5% poor.
This was the performance of a mature market such as the UK or Germany, we could even rejoice, as well as in the period of recession. But here we are talking about the market in which all (except for rare exceptions) look with hope, what we had become accustomed to double-digit increase.
On what might have happened we can make some assumptions . Surely it is time that a certain fatigue in the market had been recorded : still wine warehouses of importers, and we're not talking about some container . Importers and improvised failed. Then the austerity measures imposed by the new president , who is making a clean sweep of luxurious habits of the public administration , which is not really a detail if you count that between the army and officials we can put together a country in the country. It is no coincidence that the biggest blow to have taken the French, whose -10% on the invoiced knows of Waterloo in these parts. Other countries instead they're doing much better, some also grow well, such as Chile and Spain, which have in common the lowest price for category bottle. These days, a factor that helps a lot.

For Italy , the export is double-sided : a stability in terms of volume is making good progress with the counterpart values (+15%) , with the average price above $ 4.50 per liter (+14 % ) . We remain fifth in the overall rankings , behind Spain and Chile , in a trio that moves in the range of $ 90 million in value.

But where the Chinese market is experiencing a new gold vein seems to be the sparkling wine. Of course, the values are still amateur market (less than U.S. $ 70 million), but still is a sector in which Italy is coming on well, thanks to the appeal of products such as Prosecco, which have to arrive breathless and mass so far. In the graph, the growth of the main supplying countries in value, with the sharp decline in France (-10% in 2013), and progression sprinter from Italy, which has doubled the supplies within 12 months ($ 14 million , 3.8 million liters).

[Source: elaborazioni Corriere Vinicolo su dati Dogane cinesi]



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